School opens at 7:00 a.m. for arrival. Classes for PreK-1 through PreK-3 begin at 9:00 a.m. VPK begins at 8:30 a.m. Children in the infant class should be in school before 9:30 a.m.

Closing Time: Our center closes at 6:00 pm.

We serve children from 3 months through 5 years of age.

Classroom placement typically is determined based on age; however, many other factors are considered upon deciding the makeup of a classroom. Such factors would include a child’s learning style, readiness, social-emotional development, etc.

Kids Be Kids Preschools uses an app called BrightWheel to inform parents about their child’s day throughout the day. These daily updates include information such as the amount of food/lunch the child ate, lessons, activities, diapering and potty schedule, etc. Parents also receive pictures and videos daily via BrightWheel!

Our health policy is designed to protect and promote children’s health. Our center keeps a healthy and safe environment. Children with symptoms of a contagious illness should not attend school. Examples: measles, mumps, chicken pox, head lice, pink eye, coronavirus, and colds. Children experiencing unusual irritations, loose stools, sore throat, runny nose, rash, irritation of the eyes, or fever should be kept at home or should visit the doctor. If the symptoms occur at our center, we will notify the parent or guardian, and they must pick up the child immediately. There will be no exceptions. This is to protect your child’s health and his or her classmates. Children who have symptoms, have been in close contact with someone experiencing symptoms, or have been in contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19 are asked to stay home for 14 days and self-isolate before returning to school.

Generally, behavioral problems are controlled by studying how these situations develop. Teachers are then able to plan to avoid these difficult moments.
However, when these situations persist, after redirecting the child and offering reflection time, we inform the parent about the situation. Parents may share valuable information that could help the teacher understand the origin and nature of the behavior.

Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest, or toileting.

Parents must be informed of their child’s behavior with a verbal and written incident report, which they will sign; this will be filed in the child’s file. If more than 3 incidents are reported, the school has the right to suspend the student for some time or permanently.

Meals are catered daily. The children are encouraged to eat a variety of healthy foods. Breakfast is served starting at 8:00 a.m. Lunch and snack are served depending on the schedule of each class.

Our center is equipped with age-appropriate toys. Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home. Our center will NOT be responsible for lost or broken toys and/or jewelry brought from home.
